
To use Naver as a social login provider, you need a Client ID and Client Secret from your Naver app. You’ll then need to copy those keys into your ReachFive settings.

Naver 16 steps

The instructions on this page are for the ReachFive Console using Naver information. For configuring on the Naver side, please see the official Naver Developer Guide.

What profile information is collected by ReachFive?

We are able to retrieve the following information from the user’s Naver account into their ReachFive account:

  • A Unique ID for the Naver user; not the actual Naver ID

  • Naver username

  • Naver profile nickname

  • Naver profile image

  • Naver account email

  • User’s Birthday (as listed on in Naver profile)

  • User’s gender (as listed on in Naver profile)

  • User’s phone number (as listed on in Naver profile)

  • User’s address

    If the user consents to sharing their address upon first login with Naver, ReachFive retrieves the user address information from the user’s Naver profile.

    The following address custom fields must be present in your Addresses object:

    Otherwise, no address information is imported.

    If you would like to receive the roadNameYn field from Naver, you must also create an address custom field called road_name (checkbox data type).

    If you’re creating the custom fields with the Management API: Create address custom field schema, you should value path with these fields:

      "path": "is_naver_address",
      "scope": [
      "name": "is_naver_address",
      "data_type": "boolean",
      "id": "is_naver_address"

    For more details on the Naver address, see Naver’s documentation.

  • Age range for Naver user. Represented as naver_age_range.

    See the provider_metadata object for more details.
  • User consents

    In order to receive the user consents from Naver into ReachFive, you need to ensure that during integration, ReachFive consents are assigned the opt-in type and that the consent’s key matches the same consent key in Naver.

    You must also specify every consent used in your brand’s Naver app in the ReachFive Console. If the consent does not exist, the user is still able to authenticate. Consents are only collected the first time a user authenticates via Naver.


  • You must have access to the ReachFive Console.

  • You must have a Developer, Manager, or Administrator role.


  1. Log in to your ReachFive Console.

  2. Go to Settings  Providers and select Naver.

    console select Naver

  3. In the pop-up window:

    1. Paste your Naver Client ID.

    2. Paste your Naver Client secret.

    3. Specify all Naver consents.

      In order to retrieve consents for users authenticated through Naver, you must specify all possible consents in your Naver app.
    4. Don’t forget to Save your input.

      social Naver console steps