Kakao Connect

To use Kakao Talk or Kakao Sync as a social login provider, you will need an App ID and App Secret from your Kakao app. You’ll then need to copy these keys into your ReachFive settings.

This docs detail how to create a Kakao App and connect it to your ReachFive account.

What profile information is collected by ReachFive?

We are able to retrieve the following information from the user’s KakaoTalk account into their ReachFive account:

  • KakaoTalk ID

  • KakaoTalk name

  • KakaoTalk profile nickname

  • KakaoTalk username

  • KakaoTalk profile image

  • KakaoTalk account email

  • User’s Birthday (as listed on in KakaoTalk profile)

  • User’s gender (as listed on in KakaoTalk profile)

  • User’s phone number (as listed on in KakaoTalk profile)

  • User’s address

    If the user consents to sharing their address upon first login with KakaoTalk, ReachFive retrieves the user address information from the user’s KakaoTalk profile.

    The address custom fields kakaotalk_address_id, receiver_phone_number2, and zone_number must be present in your Addresses object. Otherwise, no address information is imported.

    For more details on the Kakao address, see Kakao’s documentation.

  • Connecting Information, also known as CI, hosted as part of the provider_metadata object (includes verification and timestamp)

    See the provider_metadata object for more details.
  • Age range for KakaoTalk user. Represented as kakaotalk_age_range.

    See the provider_metadata object for more details.
  • User consents collected from the Kakao REST API.

    In order to receive the user consents from Kakao into ReachFive, you need to ensure that during integration, ReachFive consents are assigned the opt-in type and that the consent’s key matches the Kakao consent tag. If these things are done correctly, consents are then received when the user logs in using Kakao for the first time.

Connect Kakao with ReachFive

  1. Go to Kakao Developers and log in.

  2. Create a new application or go to your existing Kakao app.

  3. You’ll need to Register a Web platform and add the site and default domain for your application.

    https://<REACHFIVE_DOMAIN> (1)
    1 Where <REACHFIVE_DOMAIN> is your domain.
  4. Next, you must activate Kakao Login.

  5. Finally, you’ll need to set your redirect URI with the following:

    https://<REACHFIVE_DOMAIN>/login/callback (1)
    1 Where <REACHFIVE_DOMAIN> is your domain.
  6. After creating your app on Kakao, you’ll need to connect the app to ReachFive, to do so:

    1. Get the necessary keys from your Kakao application.

      This is typically found in the App Keys section in your Kakao app dashboard.

      Kakao ReachFive

      REST API key

      Client ID

      Admin key

      Client secret

      kakao keys

    2. Go Settings  Providers  KakaoTalk on your ReachFive Console.

    3. Paste the REST API key from your Kakao app into the Client ID field in the dialog.

    4. Paste the Admin key from your Kakao app into the Client secret field in the dialog.

    5. Don’t forget to Save your input.

      kakao reachfive console