User Addresses management

Through the API

For more information on the API usage for Addresses, see Management API: Addresses.

View addresses

The two endpoints below allow you to retrieve the information present in the addresses object or a particular address item, from the User data model, no matter if the account is lite or managed.

Create addresses

You can also create addresses using the endpoints below.

Specifics for id and default fields

The id field is set automatically so you don’t have to manage this aspect. You can reuse IDs to update a user’s address items.

The default field is set automatically to true for an address if:

  • There is only one item in the addresses object.

  • The field is specified in the payload with the value true.

There can be only one default address at a time. So if you add or update an address with the field default: true, the other addresses are set to default: false.

Update addresses

You can update addresses by using an equivalent method as for creating them, but providing an addressId in the endpoint call.

Delete addresses

For addresses deletion, you can delete all addresses or a specific address.

Through imports

Create addresses via import

The column is not mandatory in the CSV file as the id is generated during processing. You can still specify it in the file, but in the creation process (i.e., in the absence of an existing address with this id), the value is ignored. We generate the id field for addresses on the basis of a numerical sequence starting at 0.


  • CSV

    "email": "",
    "given_name": "B",
    "family_name": "X",
    "gender": "male",
    "birthdate": "1970-01-01",
    "default": false,
    "locality": "Paris",
    "postal_code": 75001,
    "addresses": [
          "id": 0, (1)
          "default": true,
          "street_address": "12 rue de la Boétie",
          "locality": "Paris",
          "country": "France"
          "default": false, (2)
          "street_address": "18 rue du Général Leclerc",
          "locality": "Paris",
          "country": "France"
1 Here, addresses.0 has a specified id while addresses.1 does not.

Since we are in a creation process, assuming there is no address registered for the user, the provided id is ignored and the application generates the IDs (0 and 1) itself for both addresses.

email,given_name,family_name,gender,birthdate,default,locality,postal_code,,addresses.0.default,addresses.0.street_address,addresses.0.postal_code,addresses.0.locality,,addresses.1.default,addresses.1.street_address,addresses.1.postal_code,addresses.1.locality,,B,X,male,1970-01-01,false,Paris,75001,0,false,12 rue de la Boétie,75001,Paris,France,true,18 rue du Général Leclerc,75004,Paris,France

Here, addresses.0 has a specified id while addresses.1 does not. Since we are in a creation process, assuming there is no address registered for the user, the provided id is ignored and the application generates the ids (0 and 1) itself for both addresses

Update addresses via import

When updating addresses, you must specify the field to make modifications to an existing address.


  • CSV

    "email": "",
    "given_name": "B",
    "family_name": "X",
    "gender": "male",
    "birthdate": "1970-01-01",
    "default": false,
    "locality": "Paris",
    "postal_code": 75001,
    "addresses": [
          "id": 0, (1)
          "default": true,
          "street_address": "12 rue de la Boétie",
          "locality": "Paris",
          "country": "France"
          "default": false, (2)
          "street_address": "18 rue du Général Leclerc",
          "locality": "Paris",
          "country": "France"
1 addresses.0 has a specified id while addresses.1 does not.
2 addresses.0 is only modified on the values specified in the file whereas addresses.1 is created with the values specified in the file.
email,given_name,family_name,gender,birthdate,default,locality,postal_code,,addresses.0.default,addresses.0.street_address,addresses.0.postal_code,addresses.0.locality,,addresses.1.default,addresses.1.street_address,addresses.1.postal_code,addresses.1.locality,,B,X,male,1970-01-01,false,Paris,75001,0,false,12 rue de la Boétie,75001,Paris,France,true,18 rue du Général Leclerc,75004,Paris,France

Here, addresses.0 has a specified id while addresses.1 does not. In this update process, we assume addresses.0 already existed and was the only address registered while addresses.1 did not.

addresses.0 is only modified on the values specified in the file whereas addresses.1 is created with the values specified in the file.

Delete addresses via import

If you want to delete an existing address, you need to pass the to_delete boolean as part of the address object in your import file.


  • CSV

  "email": "",
  "addresses": [
        "id": 1,
        "to_delete": true (1)
1 Pass to_delete as true along with the desired address id to delete the address.
email;;addresses.0.to_delete (1);1;true (1)
1 Pass to_delete as true along with the desired address id to delete the address.