
To use Amazon as a social login provider, you will need an Client ID and Client Secret from your Amazon app, then copy these keys into your ReachFive Console settings.

This docs detail steps by steps how to create a Amazon App and connect it to your ReachFive Console account.

Amazon data

This is the collectable data for Amazon.

Public data

  • User ID - A unique identifier for the user.

  • Name - The user’s display name.

  • Email Address - The user’s email address.

  • Address information - The user’s address.

Login with Amazon

  1. Go to, login with your account.

    amazon connect 1
  2. Create your developer account.

    amazon connect 2
  3. Select your market.

    amazon connect 3

Create your application

  1. Click on Register new application.

    amazon connect 4
  2. Provide a Name, a Description and a Privacy Notice URL.

    amazon connect 5

Configure your app

Click on Save.
  1. In Web Settings  Allowed Return URLs, enter https://{REACHFIVE_DOMAIN}/login/callback where REACHFIVE_DOMAIN is your ReachFive domain.

    You may add staging AND production URL.

    amazon connect 6
  2. Save your Amazon Client ID and Secret for later.

  3. Click Save.

Configure Amazon as Provider on ReachFive

  1. On the ReachFive Console, go to Settings  Providers.

  2. Click on Add provider and Choose Amazon.

    amazon connect 7
  3. Paste your Client ID and Secret.

  4. Click on permissions and add all available.

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If you want to implement your own button, and not use our widget, you have to follow the Amazon Guidelines.

Scopes & Amazon Pay

You can ask mandatory scopes to use Amazon Pay on your website.

Those scopes are:

  • payments:widget

  • payments:billing_address

  • payments:shipping_address

Then, you will need to retrieve the Amazon Token to display Amazon Pay iframe. To do so get the user on ReachFive by asking the identities field.