MFA templates

You can configure email and SMS templates for MFA actions directly from the ReachFive Console.

Configure MFA SMS template

You can configure the SMS template that users receive when wanting to use MFA for both activation and the step-up process.

The MFA feature must be enabled on your ReachFive Console. Contact support if you would like the MFA feature.


  1. Log in to your ReachFive Console.

  2. Go to MFA  <Type  sms templates.

    Where <Type> is Activation or Step-up.
  3. Enter the Verification Code Lifetime.

    This specifies the validity period for the code in seconds.
  4. Enter your Message.

    Currently, the following variables are available using liquid:
    Variable Description


    This is the generated verification code sent by the SMS. In other words, this is how long the user has to use the code.

    Users enter this code as part of the MFA or Stepup authentication flow.


    The user’s email address.


    The user’s given name (first name).


    Nicole Dubois


    The user’s family name (last name, surname).


    Nicole Dubois

  5. Don’t forget to Save your input.

Configure MFA Email template

You can configure an Email template that users receive when wanting to use MFA for both activation and the stepup process.

This will not be sent to verified emails.
The MFA feature must be enabled on your ReachFive Console. Contact support if you would like the MFA feature.


  1. Log in to your ReachFive Console.

  2. Go to MFA  <Type  email templates.

    Where <Type> is Activation or Step-up.
  3. Enter the sender email in the From field.

  4. Enter your Subject.

    You can use Liquid variables here.
  5. Enter the Redirect to URL. This is where users are sent after clicking the magic link.

  6. Enter how long you want (in seconds) the link be valid in the Link Lifetime field.

  7. Enter your Message.

    You can use Liquid variables here.
  8. Optionally, toggle the HTML? slider if you want the email to be sent in HTML.

  9. Don’t forget to Save your input.

Liquid variables

The following variables are available using liquid.

Variable Description


This is the generated verification code sent by the SMS. In other words, this is how long the user has to use the code.

Users enter this code as part of the MFA or Stepup authentication flow.


This is the magic link sent in the email to verify their email address.

After ther user clicks this link, they are directed to the address entered as part of this template.


The user’s language.


The user’s email address.


The user’s given name (first name).


Nicole Dubois


The user’s family name (last name, surname).


Nicole Dubois