Job reports

Job reports provide a snapshot of the different export and import jobs that you have run. Information such as the id, a definition, the job type, the progress of the job, the job’s status, and when the job was last run is provided for you so you can get a quick look at the latest jobs. To find more information about the job, you can view the job logs.

Only job reports run in the last 6 months are displayed on the Job reports page in the ReachFive Console. Older jobs are automatically deleted.

To access job reports:

  1. Open your ReachFive Console.

  2. Go to Settings  Job reports.

    job reports

Filter job reports

You can filter job reports from the ReachFive Console. Filtering the reports helps you more easily find the job report you’re looking for. The job report filters offers several ways to filter as shown in the table below. This includes setting a timeframe and how the results are displayed.

To filter job reports:

  1. Open your ReachFive Console.

  2. Go to Settings  Job reports.

  3. Click Filters in the top right corner.

  4. Enter your desired filters in the dialog.

    View from the console

    2109 filter reports
    Filter Description

    Job ID

    Filter by a specific job ID that has been run.

    This filter is particularly useful when you need to look into a specific job. Perhaps, you obtained the ID through logs or need to investigate further.

    Job definition ID

    Filter by a job definition ID.

    This filter is useful when you want to look at a particular job definition. Maybe, you want to see how often it’s been run, or why a specific job definition is succeeding or failing.

    Job type

    Filter by the type of job such as export or import.

    The job type filter is good to filter out only the type of jobs you want to see.

    Job status

    Filter by the status of the job.







  5. If desired, select a timeframe by clicking From for the starting date and To for the end date.

  6. Choose the Order of how you want your results displayed.

  7. Click Apply.

Job logs

To view more information on the job itself or download the logs, click Show logs found on the far right hand side of the table.

In the job logs, you can see the information Level, the Content of the information, and the Date on which it occurred.

Category Description Example


Denotes the level of the log information.

possible values
  • ERROR indicates an error has occurred while running the job, typically related to incorrect credentials or corrupted files (CSV/JSON).

  • WARNING indicates there is something incorrect about the log, typically related to syntax or duplication.

  • LOG indicates standard log content, typically denoting profiles, or the operation itself (export/import).



Gives a description of the log information.

"Export profiles from beginning"


The timestamp for the log information.

2023-04-01 19:00:06

Download logs

You can download full logs or just the errors by clicking the desired dropdown and choosing the format for the download.

job report logs
Example JSONL download
{"Level":"LOG","Content":"Export profiles from beginning","Date":"2023-04-02T00:00:00.899Z"}
{"Level":"LOG","Content":"Total profiles to export: 47","Date":"2023-04-02T00:00:01.296Z"}
{"Level":"LOG","Content":"Uploading to path: /uploads/weekly-export.csv","Date":"2023-04-02T00:00:01.298Z"}
{"Level":"ERROR","Content":"Error occurred: Invalid SFTP credentials.","Date":"2023-04-02T00:00:06.991Z"} (1)
1 Shows where the ERROR occurred and gives details on what the error was.

Export logs

You can export logs for a specific job using the Management API’s Export job logs endpoint.