Cartridge configuration: use cases

This page covers some common use cases for our ReachFive SalesForce cartridges. It does not cover all use cases, but is here to provide you with an idea of how to configure your setup for certain requirements.

Each use case is highlighted with an icon for the mode in which it’s available:

  • Social Login mode : Social Login mode leveraging the social provider options with ReachFive.

  • Transition mode : Transition mode involving transitioning to managing authentication with ReachFive.

  • Full CIAM mode : Full CIAM mode leveraging the power of ReachFive.

Social login

The Social Login use case allows your users to authenticate using a social provider such as Google, Apple, Facebook, and so forth. These are the providers currently supported with ReachFive.


This section explains what you need to do in SFCC and in ReachFive.

  • SFCC

  • ReachFive

There’s nothing further needed beyond the default configuration outlined in Cartridge configuration.

By default, all providers you have setup and configured in your ReachFive Console are displayed. However, you can adapt to your needs by using the showAuth and showSocialLogin methods with our UI SDK.

socialProviders: ['facebook', 'google', 'linkedin', 'apple'] (1)
1 These are examples. Here, you would pass the social providers you have configured and want to display.
socialProviders: ['facebook', 'google', 'linkedin', 'apple'] (1)
1 These are examples. Here, you would pass the social providers you have configured and want to display.

Rapid Sign-up

Rapid, or "fast", sign-up means that when set to yes, users have a profile created in both SFCC and ReachFive using the baseline information provided by the social provider.


This section explains what you need to do in SFCC and in ReachFive.

  • SFCC

  • ReachFive

  1. Go to your SFCC dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Merchant Tools  Site Preferences  Custom Preferences.

  3. Go to ReachFive.

  4. Ensure isReachFiveFastRegister is set to Yes if you want fast registration enabled.

When set to No, users are directed to a sign-up form where they have to fill in their information and set a password before they’re redirected to their account or checkout page.

No further configuration required beyond the basic social provider configuration described at Social Login.

Long session and cross-site authentication

If you want to leverage the ReachFive session cookie for long sessions or for a cross-site authentication (SSO) use cases, you’ll need to update some configuration for SFCC (slight caveat for SiteGenesis) and in the ReachFive Console.


This section explains what you need to do in SFCC and in ReachFive.

  • SFCC

  • ReachFive

  1. Go to your SFCC dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Merchant Tools  Site Preferences  Custom Preferences.

  3. Go to ReachFive.

  4. Set isReachFiveSessionForcedAuth is set to Yes.

  5. SiteGenesis only Set reachFiveLoginCookieDuration to match what you configure in the ReachFive Console.

You’ll have to define some callback URLs in the SSO feature from the ReachFive Console. Follow the instructions here.

  1. In the ReachFive Console, go to Security  SSO.

  2. Set the Session lifetime in days (default is 3 days).

  3. Set the Require log in after in days (maximum value is 365 days in compliance with the GDPR).

  4. If desired, specify the Allowed logout callback URLs.

    This is optional. If URLs are specified here, the user will only be redirected to these whitelisted URLs. See the logout page for more details.
  5. Don’t forget to Save your input.

The setting is active immediately to all clients within the ReachFive account.

Session duration is renewed with the next /oauth/authorize operation or the equivalent SDK method, for instance checkSession or loginFromSession. If the cookie session lifetime expands beyond the Require login after parameter period, then the user will be forced to re-authenticate.

Required callback URLs
  • https://{domain}/s/SiteGenesis/home?lang=en_US

  • https://{domain}/on/

  • https://{domain}/on/

  • https://{domain}/on/

  • https://{domain}/on/

Authenticating with mobile number

If you want your users to be able to authenticate with a phone number (as opposed to email or username) for their identifier, there a couple of important things to know.


This section explains what you need to do in SFCC and in ReachFive.

Biometric and passkeys

More and more people and companies prefer authentication via biometric options or passkeys. Fortunately, we fully support this option with ReachFive and you can leverage that with the ReachFive SalesForce cartridge.


This section explains what you need to do in SFCC and in ReachFive.

  • SFCC

  • ReachFive

There’s nothing further needed beyond the default configuration outlined in Cartridge configuration.

The WebAuthn feature must be enabled on your ReachFive Console and configured as shown at FIDO2. Contact your Support or PS representative to enable it.

You must also enable the option with showAuth.

    allowWebAuthnLogin: true, (1)
    allowWebAuthnSignup: true, (1)
1 Each must be set to true.

Customise ReachFive forms

You, of course, may want to customise the forms to suit your company palette or tastes. This is easily done by leveraging showAuth.


This section explains what you need to do in SFCC and in ReachFive.

  • SFCC

  • ReachFive

There’s nothing further needed beyond the default configuration outlined in Cartridge configuration.

To customise the forms, use the theme parameter in the showAuth method.

   theme: { (1)
      primaryColor: '#274890',
      borderRadius: '25',
      socialButton: {
        inline: true
1 See the theme object for a full list of attributes and possibilities.

Synchronise backend profiles

When a profile is updated by a user through frontend interaction, like a form, it is synchronised accordingly when the form is submitted. However, you may want to ensure that backend updates via SFCC are synchronised properly with ReachFive. In order for this to work, you need to ensure the profile fields exist in both the SFCC and ReachFive.

Once the fields are mapped properly, you can run an import job to keep them in sync.


This section explains what you need to do in SFCC and in ReachFive.

In your SFCC dashboard:

  1. Go to your SFCC dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Merchant Tools  Site Preferences  Custom Preferences.

  3. Go to ReachFive.

  4. Go to reach5ProfileFieldsJSON.

  5. Using JSON formatting, input the fields you want to synchronise between SFCC and your ReachFive Console.

Additional use cases

The table here outlines additional use cases that are set using custom preferences.

Custom preferences are found at Merchant Tools  Site Preferences  Custom Preferences in your SFCC dashboard.

Mode Custom preference Description

Load social connect

Add social login buttons under the login form.

Load social connect2

Add social login buttons under the signup form.

Load social connect login

Load social login authentication form.

Load social connect signup

Load social login signup form.

Reset password

Load password reset under the login form.

Password editor

Load the password reset option under the Account Dashboard.

Email editor

Load the email update option under the Account Dashboard.

Phone editor

Load the phone update option under the Account Dashboard.

Social accounts container

Load social logins under the login form.

Re-auth container

Auth token under the login form.

This helps to manage social providers.

This needs custom development to be activated. Please contact your ReachFive representative for more details.


Authentication for social providers following re-authentication to be shown under login form.

This needs custom development to be activated. Please contact your ReachFive representative for more details.