11 January 2024 (v2.105)

ReachFive v2.105 introduces a new user event field, improves error messaging when updating emails through the Management API, and now ensures that all imports always contain a created_at and updated_at field. In addition, we are now able to provide a new locale parameter for a user’s country. We also made some other improvements. And as always, we fixed a few issues for you.

User event model

With this release, we have added a new field to the user event model. This new field is called updated_keys. The updated_keys field is an array of strings that lists the fields that were modified for the following event types.

  • signup

  • managed_user_created

  • user_created

  • user_updated

For more details, see User Events.

Updating email with Management API

Previously when updating an email with Update user, you would receive a 200 even if the email already exists, which could cause some issues with email management.

Now, if the email currently exists when you try this, you’ll receive a 400 response in the API, letting you know the email already exists.

This only applies to verified emails.


We now ensure that all imports always contain a created_at and updated_at field even when choosing Lite only. The following rules apply:

  • If created_at is present in the import file, keep this value in the file.

  • If created_at is not present in the import file, value it with the execution date of the import.

  • If updated_at is present in the import file, keep this value in the file with maximum tolerance of + 10 minutes compared to execution date. If the date exceeds tolerance, bring it back to execution date + 10 minutes.

  • If updated_at is not present in the import file, value it with the execution date of the import.

For more details, see Import Lite profiles only.

New locale parameter

We have introduced a new optional locale parameter. It can be passed via any API endpoint that generates an email or SMS as a header parameter called Custom-Locale. The parameter is automatically added to any requests called from the Core or UI SDK so long as the SDK is instantiated with the parameter valued.

  • API Header parameter

  • SDK Instantiation

Custom-Locale: fr-FR

For more details, see Identity API User Locale.

const client = createClient({
    // Required parameters
    domain: DOMAIN,
    clientId: CLIENT_ID,
    // Optional parameter
    language: 'Here paste a language code' ,
    locale: 'fr-FR' (1)
1 Where fr-FR is the locale and the value is automatically added in the Custom-Locale header parameter.

Use locale in email template

You can also pass it as the {{locale}} variable in email templates.

For more details, see Email templates.

Other improvements

  • You are now able to exchange authorization codes without redirection with the verifyPasswordless method by passing the useWebMessage boolean as part of the authOptions object.

  • When creating or updated a user profile, you are now limited to valuing the created_at or updated_at fields at the current time plus 10 minutes, ensuring no nonsensical dates are allowed.


Item Fixed

Searching for blacklisted IPs resulted in slow responses and intermittent timeouts.

In some very limited cases, silent authentication invalidated the access token/refresh token.

User profiles that were permanently suspended were losing their custom fields, making it difficult to search by a specific custom field.