30 June 2022 (v2.74)

ReachFive v2.74 primarily focuses on improving end user flows to optimise your user’s authentication and session experience. We also made a few small integration tweaks and some Fixes to make your lives easier.


SMS Signup invitation

You may already be familiar with our Signup invitation feature which uses email to contact end users and invite them to proceed with a full registration based on the information we gathered on their profile. Now, we have made this feature available via SMS as well.

Regardless of how your end users want to be contacted, you’ll be able to gently nudge and encourage them to finish the registration process and manage a true omnichannel experience with them.

For more information, check out Signup invitation.
274 signup invitation sms


Multi-Factor Authentication

We’re now offering a new Settings section in the MFA menu of the ReachFive Console to let you configure exactly which second factor(s) will be available to your end users. Depending on your specific needs, you can choose email, SMS or both.

For more on this, check out our dedicated MFA guide.
settings toggle second factor


Email verification

We have a new email template which allows you to communicate directly to users outside of the registration process. It may be useful when users have created an account in the past, but never went on to verify their email address. You now have this dedicated email template available to you just as you do with the SMS templates.

For more information on this topic, check out our dedicated guide here, under the Account verification tab.
274 scroll verification tab


We have brought back the login event type pre-event webhooks to let you sync with your ecosystem when end users are authenticated on your site.

ReachFive API calls that trigger this event are:


Item Fixed

There was an issue displaying custom fields data in specific merge situations.