07 March 2022 (v2.68)

ReachFive v2.68 delivers important Security updates as well as improves our KakaoTalk login integration.



You can now deploy reCAPTCHA v3 protection on the following methods of the Core SDK:

It can also be deployed the reCAPTCHA V3 protection on the following widgets of the UI SDK:

Please contact the ReachFive team if you want to implement this feature.
Check out the reCAPTCHA section on Hosted Pages to see how to rapidly integrate the feature.

Password update with a fresh access_token

We have added an option to deactivate password updates with a fresh access_token (issued since less than 5 minutes).

If this option is disabled, the password can only be updated with the old password value or with a code (received on the user identifier after a password reset request).

For more information, check out our Password Management page.

Session token invalidation

The session token is now also invalidated after a user logout. This token is only present when the Single Sign-On feature is activated.

For more information, check out our SSO page.

Signup endpoint protection

Our signup endpoint and methods are now protected with the Identity Fraud Protection module to also block malicious IP addresses that try to attack it.

For more information, check out our Identity Fraud Protection page.

Audit logs API

The retrieve and search audit logs endpoint has been modified to retrieve the logs in descending order (according to their created_at attribute).

Make sure to add the new read:audit-logs scope if you want to use this endpoint.
For more information, check out our Audit logs page.


Dedicated stepup template with an email

The email sent after a step up request with an email second factor can now be configured separately. The activation email template is still available and can be configured as a separate template as well to be able to offer the best overall experience to your users.

For more details on Multi-factor Authentication, check out our MFA Guide.


KakaoTalk login

We have improved our KakaoTalk login integration to be able to retrieve user information directly from KakaoTalk (email,phone_number,gender …​). We also support Kakaotalk sync integration and we are now able to retrieve CI (Connecting Information) directly in the user profile in a new field provider_metadata.

This field can be retrieved thanks to the identity API and methods (For example the get a user profile) and the management API with the get a user endpoint.

For more information, check out our Kakao Connect page.


Item Fixed

In some cases, an edition of a job in the ReachFive Console overloaded the username and password.