Passkeys on Android


This guide explains how to implement passkey registration and authentication workflow on Android applications.

The following code samples and screenshots are issued from our example application using our SDK. Feel free to check out the Github project.

Passkeys prerequisites

To successfully enable passkeys for Android:

  • Enable the WebAuthn feature on your ReachFive account.

    You may need to contact support to have this enabled if you do not see it on your ReachFive Console.

You’ll also need:

  • An Android device with a fingerprint sensor or a configured screen lock.

  • Android OS 9.0 or later. Make sure to register a fingerprint (or screenlock).

  • To install our SDK Core which exposes all of the passkey methods.

Get started

This section describes important terms and concepts as well the steps needed to get started with passkeys for Android with ReachFive.

Discoverable login

With discoverable logins, the client requests the credential requirements for the Relying Party. Then, it shows a list of possible stored user handles such as an email, phone numbers, PIN, or usernames for the device. Once the user selects and unlocks the credential, the client continues to complete the authentication flow.

Non-discoverable login

With non-discoverable logins, the client requests the credential requirements for the Relying Party for a specific user. The Relying Party replies with the credentials it can accept for this specific user. If the credentials are accessible to the client, the client prompts the user to select one.

Relying Party ID

data class SdkConfig(
    val domain: String,
    val clientId: String,
    val scheme: String,
    val originWebAuthn: String? = null, (1)
) : Parcelable
1 Relying Party ID is the domain to which passkeys are bound. Once bound to a domain, it can be used on subdomains but not other full domains.

Example: Using the Relying Party ID of allows the use of credentials on for example, but not on a different full domain like In this case, customers would need a common login page for passkeys for varying full domains like the stated example here.

You need to host a Digital Asset Links JSON file on https://<your_domain>/.well-known/assetlinks.json to allow the application to register and authenticate with credentials associated with the Relying Party ID <your_domain>.

assetlinks.json example
    "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls","delegate_permission/common.get_login_creds"],
    "target": {
      "namespace": "android_app",
      "package_name": "co.reachfive.identity.sdk.demo", (1)
      "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [ (2)
1 package_name matches the applicationId in the build.gradle file.
2 sha256_cert_fingerprints matches the fingerprint of the signing key.
Refer to Android Studio’s Generate and register an upload certificate page to generate a public certificate.

The https://<RelyingPartyId>/.well-known/assetlinks.json link must return a 200 HTTP response with a JSON MIME Content-Type header. Returning a 301 or 302 HTTP redirect or a non-JSON Content-Type causes verification to fail. See Android’s docs for more details.

Hosted pages

If you are using’s ReachFive’s Hosted Pages and need the Asset Links file hosted on your domain at ReachFive, you should input the content of your assetlinks.json file into the text area called assetlinks.json in the Settings  WebAuthn section of the ReachFive Console.

We do not perform any validation on the file.
  • No custom domain

  • Using custom domain

If you do not use a custom domain, the Relying Party ID associated to credentials created on Hosted Pages is <account> Your Digit Assets Link is served at https://<account>

If you do use a custom domain, your Relying Party ID is https://<custom-domain>. Your Digit Assets Link is served at https://<custom-domain>/.well-known/assetlinks.json.

You could also choose to host the assetlinks.json file on your root domain. Hosted Pages are accessible via You could then host the assetlinks.json file at This is a viable long-term option in the case you may not use Hosted Pages in the future.


If you do not use ReachFive’s Hosted Pages option, you should host the file on your own.

https://<RelyingPartyId>/.well-known/assetlinks.json (1)
1 Ensure you use the correct Relying Party ID.

Allowed origins

In the ReachFive Console, under Settings  WebAuthn you must allow:

  • the URL of the domain that corresponds to the Relying Party ID

  • the Facet ID

The Facet ID is the platform-specific identifier (URI). It matches the format android:apk-key-hash:<hash-of-apk-signing-cert> where hash-of-apk-signing-cert is the encoded version of the signing key from the application’s keystore.

You can compute the Facet ID with the command below:

keytool -list -v -keystore <your.keystore> | grep "SHA256: " | cut -d " " -f 3 | xxd -r -p | openssl base64 | sed 's/=//g'
webauthn settings


The user requests to register a new account for the first time. Users don’t need to provide a password, but instead provide an identifier like an email or mobile number as well as some personal data and a friendlyName. The data they provide in the signup process is reflected in the profile option in the signupWithPasskey method.

Here is a snapshot of the signup view displayed to the user.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

passkeys signup 1

passkeys signup 2

passkeys signup 3

Signup process

The signupWithPasskey method initiates the passkey signup process.

        givenName = "John",
        familyName = "Doe",
        email = ""
    friendlyName = "Google Password Manager",
    origin = "passkey signup from Android app",
    success = { authToken -> ... }, // Get the profile's authentication token
    failure = { error -> ... }, // Handle a ReachFive error
    activity = activity,


Once the user has a credential registered on the server and the device, they can use it to login easily with their identifier.

Here is a snapshot of the login view displayed to the user.

Step 1: Discoverable Step 1: Non-discoverable Step 2

passkeys discoverable

passkeys non discoverable

passkeys fingerprint unlock

Log in with passkey

The loginWithPasskey method initiates the passkey authentication process.

    loginRequest = WebAuthnLoginRequest.EmailWebAuthnLoginRequest(
        email = ""
    origin = "passkey login from Android app",
    success = { authToken -> ... }, // Get the profile's authentication token
    failure = { error -> ... }, // Handle a ReachFive error
    activity = activity,

Discoverable login

The discoverableLogin method discovers a credential to log in a user. This can be via password, passkey, or both.

    origin = "discoverable login from Android app",
    success = { authToken -> ... }, // Get the profile's authentication token
    failure = { error -> ... }, // Handle a ReachFive error
    activity = activity,

Manage devices

Once a user is authenticated, they can register a passkey.

Here is an example of a user view for listing registered passkeys.

passkeys list

Register a new passkey

The registerNewPasskey method initiates the passkey registration process.

    authToken = authToken,
    friendlyName = "Google Password Manager",
    success = { ... }, // Handle success
    failure = { error -> ... }, // Handle a ReachFive error
    activity = activity,

List registered passkeys

The listWebAuthnDevices lists registered devices or passkeys.

import com.reach5.identity.sdk.core.models.AuthToken

val authToken: AuthToken = // The authentication token obtained following signup or login.

    authToken = authToken,
    success = { devices -> ... }, // Get the list of devices
    failure = { error -> ... } // Handle a ReachFive error

Remove registered passkeys

The removeWebAuthnDevice removes registered devices or passkeys.

import com.reach5.identity.sdk.core.models.AuthToken

val authToken: AuthToken = // The authentication token obtained following signup or login.

    authToken = authToken,
    deviceId = "AcfbMjJcS7vE46R3WHOJL...",
    success = { _ -> ... }, // Do something
    failure = { error -> ... } // Handle a ReachFive error