
    // Optional arguments


Request an account recovery reset for a profile. It sends an email if the email address is provided and an SMS if the phone number is given.

You must configure and enable the Email Account Recovery and/or the SMS Account Recovery templates in your ReachFive account settings.


  • With Email

  • With Phone Number

        email: "",
        redirectUrl: "reachfive-clientId://account-recovery",
    .onSuccess { _ in
        // Do something
    .onFailure { error in
        // Return a ReachFive error
        phoneNumber: "+33682234940",
        redirectUrl: ""
    .onSuccess { _ in
        // Do something
    .onFailure { error in
        // Return a ReachFive error


Parameter Description

email string

The email address of the profile.

phoneNumber string

The phone number of the profile.

Both the international format and the national conventions of the account’s country are accepted if configured in account settings.

origin string

The origin of the call.

redirectUrl string

The URL to which the user is redirected.

This URL must be whitelisted in the Allowed Callback URLs field of your ReachFive client settings.


Type: Future<(), ReachFiveError>

The profile receives an email or an SMS depending if you pass an email or mobile phone number. If the identifier is invalid or if the templates are incomplete, the promise is rejected and returns a ReachFiveError.


Based on the problem, the ReachFiveError will be:

  • AuthCanceled: The user cancelled the request or no credential was available in the keychain.

  • RequestError(apiError: ApiError) for a Bad Request (status 400) error.

  • AuthFailure(reason: String, apiError: ApiError?) mainly for Unauthorized (status 401) error.

  • TechnicalError(reason: String, apiError: ApiError?) if it’s an Internal Server Error (status 500) or other internal errors.


error string

The main error message.

errorId string

The identifier of the error.

errorUserMsg string

The user-friendly error message.

This property is translated according to the user’s OS and app settings. Currently supported languages:
Currently supported languages
  • ar - العربية Arabic

  • de - Deutsch German

  • en - English

  • es - Español Spanish

  • fr - Français French

  • hu - Magyar Hungarian

  • it - Italiano Italian

  • jp - 日本 Japanese

  • ko - 한국인 Korean

  • nl - Nederlands Dutch

  • pt - Portuguese

  • ru - Ру́сский Russian

  • sk - Slovenský Slovak

  • zh-CN - People’s Republic of China Simplified Chinese

  • zh-Hans - Simplified Chinese

  • zh-Hant - Traditional Chinese

  • zh-HK - Hong Kong Traditional Chinese

  • zh-MO - Macao Traditional Chinese

  • zh-SG - Singapore Simplified Chinese

  • zh-TW - Taiwan Traditional Chinese

errorMessageKey string

The error message key.

errorDescription string

The technical error message.

errorDetails FieldError[]

field string

The field concerned by the error.

message string

The message error returned for the field.

code string

The code error returned for the field.