
  container: HTMLElement|id,
  // Optional arguments
  loginLink: string,
  canShowPassword: boolean,
  onReady: function,
  theme: object,
  i18n: object,


Show the widget allowing the current profile to edit his password after receiving a password reset email.


  container: 'password-reset-container',
  loginLink: '',
  canShowPassword: true,
  onReady: instance => {
    // Destroy the widget
    // if (...) instance.destroy()
  theme: {
      primaryColor: '#274890',
      borderRadius: '#374890'
  i18n: {
      'passwordReset.intro': 'This widget will only work if you access it by clicking on the URL in the email sent after requesting a password reset on the Authentification widget. Enter then your new password.',
      'newPassword': 'Your new password',
      'passwordConfirmation': 'Confirm your new password'


Reset password


Reset password with custom password policy

Set password constraints in the ReachFive Console (Settings  Security  Password policy).

showPasswordReset custom rules


container HTMLElement id

The DOM element or the id of a DOM element in which the widget should be embedded.

loginLink string

The URL to which the user is redirected after a password reset.

canShowPassword boolean

Whether or not to provide the display password in clear text option.

Defaults to false.

onReady function

Callback function called after the widget has been successfully loaded and rendered inside the container. The callback is called with the widget instance.

theme object

The options to set up to customize the appearance of the widget.

primaryColor string

The button and link default color.

Default to #229955.

borderRadius string

The radius of the social login button and other input (in px).

This can be used to make inline and/or circle social login buttons.

Default to 3.

socialButton object

Social button theming options.

  • inline- Boolean that specifies if the buttons are inline (horizonally-aligned).

  • textVisible - Boolean that specifies if the text is visible.

  • fontWeight - Specifies the font-weight (such as normal, bold, or 900).

  • fontSize - Specifies the font-size.

  • lineHeight - Specifies the line-height.

  • paddingX - Specifies the padding for the x axis. (left and right)

  • paddingY - Specifies the padding for the y axis. (top and bottom)

  • borderRadius - Specifies the border-radius.

  • borderWidth - Specifies the border-width.

  • focusBoxShadow - Boolean that specifies if there is a box shadow on the button or not.

i18n object

Widget labels and error messages to override. Falls back to the default wordings in en, fr, es, it and nl.

For example, you might re-word the socialAccounts.linkNewAccount or change the way other wordings display to the user while leaving the remaining text on the widget intact.