client.listMfaCredentials(accessToken: string)
About this command
Lists the user’s MFA credentials.
This is typically the phone number registered to use with MFA. |
The authorization credential JSON Web Token (JWT) used to access the ReachFive API, less than five minutes old. |
Type: Promise<MfaCredentialsResponse>
credentials |
An array of objects, each containing information on a specific credential. |
type |
Specifies the type of credential. Values: |
createdAt |
The date on which the credential was created.
friendlyName |
The user-friendly name for the credential. |
phone_number |
The user’s phone number. |
credentials: [{
type: "sms",
createdAt: "2025-03-28"
Next step (MFA flow)
The next step after the listMfaCredentials
method in the MFA flow is:
See the dedicated MFA guide for more details. |