client.onAddNewWebAuthnDeviceResult( authToken, intent, successWithNoContent, failure )
About this command
After launching a FIDO2 registration task (with the addNewWebAuthnDevice method), this method will parse the resulting intent and if successful, the new device will be added in the user’s registered FIDO2 devices.
import com.reach5.identity.sdk.core.models.AuthToken
val profileAuthToken: AuthToken = // Here paste the authorization token of the profile retrieved after login
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
// The code of the FIDO2 registration request
authToken = profileAuthToken,
intent = data,
successWithNoContent = { _ -> ... }, // Do something
failure = { error -> ... } // Return a ReachFive error
Authorization token of the profile retrieved from login.
The intent received after launching a FIDO2 task. |
Callback called once the request has succeeded. No argument is expected. |
Callback called once the request has failed. You’ll get a |
Type: Unit
message |
The message of the error. |
code |
The code from the underlying WebAuthn library.
exception |
The stack trace of the error. |
data |
Additional data about the error.