Job log retention change

Released on 04 April

We are improving our infrastructure with a vital migration to a new database. Part of this procedure involves reducing the retention time for Job report logs found at Settings  Job reports to 6 months. After the migration is completed, you will only be able to access logs ran in the last 6 months.


This announcement was made on the 03 April.
We expect to release these changes into production on approximately the 04 April.


If you want to keep logs that are older than 6 months, you can do one of the following before the 6 month retention period ends:

  • Download them from the ReachFive Console.

    job report logs
  • Export them with the Export job logs endpoint.

Why did we do this?

We are reducing the retention of job log reports as part of the database migration in order to provide a more responsive product for our customers.