

About this command

Verifies the step up process by passing the verification code and challenge ID.


import Reach5

        challengeId: "m3DaoT...7Rzp1m",
        verificationCode: "123456",
        trustDevice: true))
  .onSuccess{ _ in
      // Do something
  .onFailure { error in
      // Return a ReachFive error



Contains the necessary fields to begin the step up process.

This includes the following:

  • verificationCode: The verification code sent by email or SMS.

  • challengeId: The code challenge ID to verify the user.

  • trustDevice: Optional boolean to trust the device or not. Accepts true to mark the device as trusted and false to mark the device as not trusted.

        challengeId: "m3DaoT...7Rzp1m",
        verificationCode: "123456",
        trustDevice: true))


Future<AuthToken, ReachFiveError>

Error response


Based on the problem, the ReachFiveError will be:

  • RequestError(requestErrors: RequestErrors) if it’s a bad request error.

    error string

    The main error message.

    errorId string

    The identifier of the error.

    errorUserMsg string

    The user-friendly error message.

    This property is translated according to the user’s browser settings. Currently supported languages:
    Currently supported languages
    • ar - العربية Arabic

    • de - Deutsch German

    • en - English

    • es - Español Spanish

    • fr - Français French

    • hu - Magyar Hungarian

    • it - Italiano Italian

    • jp - 日本 Japanese

    • ko - 한국인 Korean

    • nl - Nederlands Dutch

    • pt - Portuguese

    • ru - Ру́сский Russian

    • sk - Slovenský Slovak

    • zh-CN - People’s Republic of China Simplified Chinese

    • zh-Hans - Simplified Chinese

    • zh-Hant - Traditional Chinese

    • zh-HK - Hong Kong Traditional Chinese

    • zh-MO - Macao Traditional Chinese

    • zh-SG - Singapore Simplified Chinese

    • zh-TW - Taiwan Traditional Chinese

    errorMessageKey string

    The error message key.

    errorDescription string

    The technical error message.

    errorDetails FieldError[]

    field string

    The field concerned by the error.

    message string

    The message error returned for the field.

    code string

    The code error returned for the field.

    • AuthFailure(reason: String) if the authentication has failed.

    • AuthCanceled if the authentication was cancelled.

    • TechnicalError(reason: String) if it’s an internal server error.